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  • Chapter 1- The Nice girl

  • Chapter 2- A Shift in Power

  • Chapter 3- The Instinct to Try Harder

  • Chapter 4- Forget People Pleasing

  • Chapter 5- Lets Say You Meet the “Perfect” Guy

  • Chapter 6-Early Power Plays to Impress Him From the Start

  • Chapter 7- You as a Solar System

  • Chapter 8- How You Need to Think

  • Chapter 9- The Observer Effect

  • Chapter 10-A Dreamgirl’s Mindset

  • Chapter 11- Understand His Hormones

  • Chapter 12-Don’t Freak out When he Pulls Away

  • Chapter 13 He May Not know What You Need

  • Chapter 14 Prepping Your Nervous System Before An Argument

  • Chapter 15 Don't Kill Attraction With These Mistakes

  • Chapter 16 Show Him You Are Long Term Material

  • Chapter 17 Your Appreciation is Like a Drug to Him

  • Chapter 18 Yin and Yang: Bring Your femininity

  • Chapter 19- Actionable Steps