"Breakup Healing Can Be Easy" is your compass to navigate the choppy waters of a breakup. Created by Samy, an expert in the art of healing hearts, this course is a treasure chest of tools: from CBT techniques that reshape your thinking to journaling exercises that unearth inner truths. Plus, you'll get exclusive hypnosis audios that gently guide your subconscious towards healing. It's not just about moving on; it's about building a stronger, more resilient you. Ready for the journey?

  • 81 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 13 Files

  • Workbook

  • Hypnosis Releasing Yourself from an Unhealthy Relationship

  • Hypnosis Imagining a Future Without Your Ex

  • Workbook to do every day and/or for every trigger

  • Workbook

  • I let myself be taken advantage of

  • I wasn’t good looking enough

  • I was too needy..too clingy

  • I was too demanding

  • If only I had been emotionally tougher

  • I let myself be lied to, manipulated and or played

  • I can't believe this happened

  • Why was I so unaware of what was going on the whole time

  • I should have seen it coming

  • I wasn't enough

  • I wasted time

  • If only I had

  • Why did it take me so long to leave

  • I am too old now, when I met him or her I was young

  • He or she was the only one who truly loved me

  • I should have been more understanding and listened more

  • I should have known better

  • Nothing will ever be the same

  • I took them for granted

  • I could have done more to save the relationship

  • Workbook

  • Hindsight Isn't Always 20/20: Releasing Regrets in Relationships

  • Why Your 'Wrong' Relationship Was Right for You Then

  • The Blame Game: How to Stop Playing and Start Healing

  • The Art of Letting Go: Mastering the Goodbye

  • Understanding Grief and Loss in the Healing Process

  • Only For Extremely Hard Days

  • What Are You Doing Stop!

  • Only Listen If You Are Extremely Angry At Them

  • Tricks Your Mind Will Play!

  • Workbook

  • Recap Hypnosis of Chapter 3 (Use with Chapter 3 Workbook) Challenging Common Thought Distortions After a Breakup

  • Recap Hypnosis of Chapter 3 (Use with Chapter 3 Workbook) Understanding the Dangers of Emotional Reasoning and Thought Distortions

  • The Lie of Having to Earn Love in a Relationship

  • The Price of Using Distraction: Understanding Anxious Attachment

  • You Cannot Continue Denying The Truth Now

  • You Have Been Reading Your Own Fortune

  • Lets Poke a Hole in Your Theory

  • Become Aware of Your Unrealistic Expectations

  • This Explains Your Level Of Attachment To Your Ex

  • Workbook

  • Embrace and Release: Unveiling Past Hurts

  • Embrace and Release: Finding Peace Beyond Ex-Closure

  • Rewiring for Renewal: Harnessing Thoughts to Heal Post-Breakup

  • Embracing Silence: Finding Closure Within Yourself

  • Crafting Closure: The Power of Self-Generated Endings

  • Finding Clarity Within: Navigating Unanswered Questions after a Relationship

  • Breath of Peace: Embracing Closure Amidst Unanswered Questions

  • Breath of Healing: Nurturing Transformation Post-Breakup

  • Workbook

  • Self-Nurturing Journey: Meeting Personal Needs after a Breakup

  • Integration and Rediscovery: Embracing Admirable Qualities Within

  • Embracing Empowerment: Understanding Unmet Needs and Self-Discovery

  • Releasing Self-Limiting Beliefs: Embracing Affirmation and Self-Compassion

  • Embracing the Spectrum: Discovering the Benefits of a Breakup

  • Unburdening the Heart: Letting Go and Embracing Self-Responsibility After a Breakup

  • Embracing Love and Letting Go: A Meditation on Self-Respect and Healing

  • Reclaiming Self: The Journey Beyond Fixing in Relationships

  • Workbook

  • Reconnecting with Wholeness: Healing Through the Inner Child Meditation

  • Reconciliation and Understanding: A Healing Conversation with Your Inner Child

  • Exploring Childhood Influences: Unveiling Relationship Dynamics for Healing

  • Unveiling Relationship Dynamics: Healing the Wounded Inner Child

  • Rediscovering Play: Unveiling Relationship Dynamics through Joy and Spontaneity

  • Reconstructing Love: Healing from Childhood Perceptions in Relationships

  • Workbook

  • Releasing Rejection Trauma: Embracing New Relationship Possibilities

  • Reimagining Relationships: Embracing New Possibilities and Healing Past Patterns

  • Exploring Inner Reflections: Transforming Relationships and Embracing Self-Discovery

  • Nurturing Relationships: Visualizing a Supportive Partner on the Journey to Healing

  • Guided Visualization: Building a Nurturing Relationship with Taylor

  • workbook

  • Personal Relationship Commitment Contract: Seeking Healthy Love & Growth

  • Breakup Recovery: Nurturing Self-Validation and Healing

  • Post-Breakup Recovery: Navigating Red Flags in New Relationships

  • Post-Breakup Healing: Reconnecting Through Cosmic Tranquility

  • "Emotional Liberation: Releasing Criticism and Embracing Self-Worth